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Pencil Factory

Founder: Kendrick Leto

Pictures from the Caran D´ache pencil factory by Greg White. Born in East York­shire in 1978, Greg stud­ied at Not­ting­ham Trent and Black­pool, gradu­at­ing in 2002. Greg now lives in Lon­don with his part­ner and baby daugh­ter. Not­able awards in­clude the pres­ti­gi­ous title of AOP Pho­to­grapher of the Year (2008) and ADC Young Gun in New York (2009). Greg’s work has ap­peared in GQ, Wall­pa­per*, Wired, The Times, Eureka, Next Level, Cre­at­ive Re­view, MARK, V-Man, LIV, Car, Four Sea­sons, Rocks, Dazed, Fer­rari Mag, Lexus Mag, Pop­u­lar Sci­ence, Pro­cess Journal, BJP, Mo­saic, Baku and View­point. He has pho­to­graphed cars for Rolls Royce, As­ton Mar­tin, Toyota, Peugeot, BMW, Audi, Nis­san, Volk­swa­gen, Jag­uar Land Rover and Lexus among oth­ers. Cli­ent com­mis­sions in­clude Voda­fone, O2, Bar­bican, BP, Nike, BNP Pari­bas, Glen­mor­angie, New Era, Swarovski, Royal Mail, The Times, TFL and COI, Ubisoft, Vas­el­ine and Sony.