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Frihamnen Harbour Sauna

by Kenneth Brown

For sustainable urban growth and the creation of a specific harbour park at Frihamnen, one of the harbor areas of Gothenburg, it is necessary to preserve the memory of the site by attempting to intertwine with old structures, both physically and emotionally, the feeling and the qualities of the current state of ‚waiting‘ for new uses, buildings and temporary interventions. Establishing bathing in this rough and hostile environment is, above all, a way to change the perception of it: creating intimate spaces, new leisure experiences and the opportuni­ty for communication between different groups of people. Since water pollution does not allow, for the moment, direct bathing activities in the docks, the establishment of Bathing Culture activities will generate a form of prediction for the future of this particular setting. Working on an abstract level of city planning, Raumlabor has specialised in dynamic master planning. Activation through use is the central approach. Multifaceted use of public space is a driving force for the development of vibrant, contem­porary and adaptive neighbourhoods. We seek to invent new, user-based applications and involve various urban players as early as possible in the transformation processes. Raumlabor are committed to dealing with places 1:1, discovering and using what we find within the conditions at the site. In the process of doing, we learn more about the investigation site through active design and finding new methods that are open to appropriation and upgrading exi­sting methods. We do not always solve problems; we initiate processes that give players the opportunity to get to know, understand and use the city and its dynamics, as well as its possibilities.