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Alessandro Zambelli: Objects and Furniture

Founder: Swiss Mister

José Luis

The Philosophy of Alessandro Zambelli: SENSITIVE OBJECTS “Simple but apt,these objects reflect the personality, history and poetry of their owners.” Light-hearted creations, they even speak volumes about those who choose them. The objects embrace diverse and unknown personalities in a single identity. WRYLY EXPRESSIVE “The alchemy of a smile in all its subtleties goes to the transparent heart of the matter.” Objects do smile at us sometimes. Their smiles betray their simple secret: ‘never take yourself too seriously.’ Then clarity reigns supreme. BACK TO THE FUTURE “To envision the future means looking back, keeping memories of past times alive” This journey takes us back to the holy places of our own past, where we relive old experiences and trawl them for new ideas. The result is a creative patchwork, every bit of which harks back to something specific that was. And leaves a gentle mark on our present. FUNCTIONAL FANTASY “Mind, hands, pen, reflective gaze: there are infinite languages to describe the shape of things in new ways and recreate their stories from imagination.” A fertile mind is able to trace the outlines of a new, more expressive design.More real and human, it combines light-hearted simplicity and cohesion, hinting at a more sustainable way of life. HANDS-ON HI TECH “The essence of things lies in their material. Hands-on craftsmanship and industrial thinking interact on a voyage of discovery,deep into the substance of beauty.” Hands become hi-tech machines that retrace, to the millimetre, the moves of handcrafting technique and translate them into the infinite expressive languages of the third millennium. SHARED CREATIVITY “To forge new links uniting what exists so that intuitions, thoughts and awareness tick over and individual professionalism is enhanced.” Research, design quality, experience and content: in other words Padiglione Italia. Designers tell a shared story in their own languages, painting a portrait of contemporary Italian design.