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Henning Wagenbreth

Founder: Swiss Mister

Apolline Charligny
Beate Schumacher
Mengxin Li
peggy hoo

Henning Wagenbreth illustrates and designs books, posters, newspapers and magazines, undertakes detours into animation film, theater and music, and works since 1994 as professor of the illustration class at the University of Arts in Berlin. His clients include Avenir Suisse, Büchergilde Gutenberg, Berliner Ensemble, Berliner Festspiele, Die Woche, Die Zeit, dtv, Editions Attila, Fête du Graphisme, GEO, Geschichtsforum, Gingko Press, Insel Verlag, Libération, Literaturhaus Stuttgart, Stadt Kiel, The New York Times, Victoria & Albert Museum, Wagenbach Verlag and many others.