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In late 2018, we proposed a strategic repositioning of Vienna Art Week. We suggested a fundamental change in strategy, moving from a gatekeeper model to a digital approach to open the event to the outside world, and proposed to create a digital platform to empower the artists themselves to shape Art Week and its events. MGD was then asked to create proposals for a new communication strategy. We started with the old brand and modified it to make it appear more open. The new site is supposed to be predominantly user-created, with new features such as QR-coded promotion, interactive Themes, Art Walks (guided tours made by artists to let visitors experience the city in new ways), Art Circles (user groups with special interests) and Art Links (cooperations with companies). (C) Mario Gagliardi Design

In the new brand proposal, the letters are rotated 45 degrees to the left to free them from their former rigidity. The thin line to the left becomes an open V to communicate an open vessel for art and creativity.

The old brand with its narrow letters in Alternate Gothic gives an uptight impression. The thin line to the left walls it off.

The narrow angles of the letters of the old brand appear cramped.

Widening the narrow letters and giving them slightly rounded edges.

The theme of the event, expressed as interactive media instead of a static graphic.

Instant tattoos with QR codes to promote the move to digital media.

A user-created page.

A user-created page.

An Art Link page.

An Art Circle page.

Art Walks and Art Rides: guided tours by foot or bicycle, created by artists to let visitors experience the city in new ways.

A personalized calender for events.

The interactive theme.

The poster in variations to generate interest.

A foldable poster with the programme on the backside instead of a large print catalogue.

Art Walks/Rides