Broken Time Machines
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Text and images by Alex Varanese.
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Paved surfaces form the arteries of the modern world, tempering our casual sense of day-to-day freedom with a kind of linear determinism that gently surrounds our innate proclivity for exploration with a fixed template of an explicitly geometric nature. But as is so often the case, the oppression of these constraints can force the emergence a new creative perspective for those willing to seek it out. Case in point: circumstances coerced me into leaving home about five years ago, but a dull, nostalgic magnetism has kept our poles in rigid alignment ever since and fostered a now half-decade-long desire to return to the place where I belong. Thanks to a quirk of municipal geography, a single, unbroken interstate drive is all it would take to get me there, beginning, no less, with an on-ramp nearly visible from my bedroom window. In other words, as fate would have it, the otherwise expansive distance between the dispassionate chaos of adult life and the reassuring resilience of youth has been reduced to a single line—Route 17—beginning at a point I pass on a daily basis. So while Luddites and hippies may decry urban sprawl and the gradual surrender of the natural world to the unrelenting empire of Big Box Wal*MartHitlerStarbucks, Inc., part of me has to thank that callous industrialization for providing a cartographic metronome that keeps the downbeats of life's runaway rhythm synchronized on the fours. In fairness, however, I should note that this is all coming from a guy that AAA Roadside Assistance once dropped from their service for locking his keys in his car four times in a two-month period.
Amnesia, in its weaponized form, descends gently onto the streets and fills the volume between buildings in waves of rolling silence. Nothing is spared as it settles into a breathless equilibrium, overwriting both past and present with equal measures of focused negation. Novelty evaporates and dimension collapses as a once brilliant panorama is compressed into an unrelenting singularity of monochrome. Even light is consumed in its omnidirectional maw, stripping the last traces of sensory weight from a landscape inverted with scalding precision. Most of the inhabitants of this place have long since fled its corridors, and their absence lends a glimmer of decency to an indecent act. As a matter of abstract information, however, they remain keenly present—even lucid—and form a ghostly chorus that implies, explicitly, a message of both detached modesty and childlike narcissism: "Remember us. Know that we existed here, even as our window of time is replaced with an increasingly spurious prism of drifting hindsight. Everything that happened here was a misplaced note in a trampled melody. Remember all of it, and one day you'll be able to play it as it was meant to be heard."
After careful deliberation, nuanced introspection and prayer for guidance from numerous deities, I've decided I'm gonna marry the girl in the January 2010 Anthropologie cataolog. Now I'll admit, as far as plans go, this one's pretty raw—I can think of more than a couple significant roadblocks occluding the path to our inevitable union in holy matrimony—but my visions of our future together are so vivid that I can't help but feel encouraged as I embark on a quest that will most certainly hold my interest until well into tomorrow afternoon. For starters, I've got our honeymoon planned out to the letter. We'll arrive in a nondescript Mediterranean town where we'll immediately set about wandering listlessly under stone arches, staring blankly at abandoned bicycles, clutching handbags as we meander up and down staircases and coldly examining the branches of fruitless trees until our eyes threaten to lose their focus entirely. But I've got long-term plans as well. For instance, I frequently imagine the years we'll spend leaning slightly over second floor balconies with muted expressions and standing in front of open windows as our slack jaws and gazeless eyes invite the slow atrophy of our facial muscles. We'll pour black coffee when it's overcast, carry satchels of baguettes when it's cloudy and set the table with rustic flatware when it's grey outside. As the years linger on, we'll loiter in front of towering double doors, crouch casually on stone steps, take our jackets off halfway in the shadows of flying buttresses and wait for busses that will never come as we ponder our own reflections in the dusty windows of long-since deserted bakeries. Oh, and I probably don't want kids. I wonder if she'll be cool with that.
My first ever body of work, Circuit Bent Type is a proudly aimless collection of illustrations exploring the visual intersection of obsolete electronics and display technology, three-dimensional typography, the audio gear of yesteryear, and a warm, autumnal palette. For the uninitiated, “circuit bending” is the process of rewiring the electronics in toys, children’s musical instruments and even video game consoles to create new sounds never imagined by the manufacturer. I’ve always found the process—essentially audio hardware hacking with a soldering iron and oscilloscope—to be conceptually similar to post-modern typography; taking something familiar and bending it so profoundly out of shape that it takes on a radically new meaning. This connection was all the brainstorming I needed to get started. The rest pretty much illustrated itself.
I was putting together some water animation experiments for a client when I decided to run with the central visual of the ocean's surface in a more abstract direction. After a little aimlessly calculated geometric free-association, I was left with this modest collection of crisply recorded visual thoughts. Interpret them however you like. We're all guaranteed to be wrong. With that out of the way, I'd like to reiterate my belief that not only is "free will" an illusion, but that it's a contradiction to begin with, if not an outright category error. There's simply no way to posit a coherent mechanism capable of implementing the conventional notion of human volition without either arriving at full-stop determinism or, in a last ditch effort at injecting novelty into the equation, calling an audible with an equally self-defeating appeal to randomness. In either case, we remain expressions rather than expressers. Sorry, judicial system. Better luck next paradigm.
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72 dpi
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What You Think You Know
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The Einstein Intersection
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Square work
Paper sculpture
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McDEAD ..and lovin' it!
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This is an unused piece for the Australian comic ZOMBIE CITIES by Zorab del Rio. I can understand to...
This is the inks for TOKYO ZOMBIES, a piece I did for the Australian comic called ZOMBIE CITIES by ...
Comic Art, Illustration, Art, Line Art, Brush, Comics.
Ilustraciones para artículo: El Papel de la Familia (Hospital Sant Joan de Déu) 2023
Surface N° 2
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The painted house
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SCARABOOK is the combination of Scarabottolo and the English word book (but perhaps we ought to say ...
My calendar
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71 views of the magic mountain
In the days of the first lockdown I started making these drawings, remotely inspired by Hokusai´s "...
on paper books and e-books
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Ebb and Flow
This student design project smartly uses paper to give shape to the intertidal coastline of Taiwan, ...
Culinary Tradition
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Origami envelopes
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Les Concerts du mercredi
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Tatsuo Miyajima: Being Coming
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Yokohama Museum of Art Calendar
Graphic designers Aizawa office from Yokohama designed this wall calendar. With its unassuming but a...
Pulp Fiction
A selection of American and Mexican Pulp Fiction covers from the nineteen-forties.
Synthetic Paradise
Generative music combined with abstract graphics. Click the screen to generate new graphics: https:/...
Inspired by Surrealism and some of the artists of that time (such as Dali or Ernst), I created basic...
Back in the USSR
Great retro logos from the old USSR, and a Beatles song.
Faces by 田中 一光 Ikko Tanaka
Inspired by the Bauhaus, by Jazz and by American graphic design, Ikko Tanaka (1930-2002) was one of ...
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Pattern generator
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This experiment looks at the process of human cognition. Letters get progressively filled with color...
Writing & Design
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Writing & Design
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Writing & Design
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Writing & Design
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Writing & Design
Artists Abroad: A Woman´s Journey to Discover the Artists. Writer and Illustrator.
Writing & Design
Nofearatutu. Writer and Illustrator, Ted Wells.
Writing & Design
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Exiled from Truth: Nine Allegories by Dmitry Borshch
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