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penccil: AI Wave
AI Wave
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AI Wave
realized with AI
Ai textile
Ai textile
Blacker Box
Blacker Box is a design expression for an Intelligent Speaker. (C) Mario Gagliardi Design 2017
AI assistant
With the advance of digitalisation, items which once had a central position in households have disap...
Emotional Personal Assistant
Intelligent Personal Assistants such as Siri or Cortana are the link between AI-powered systems and ...
Intelligent Personal Assistants
If artificial intelligence would be personalized, what face could these personal assistants have? Th...
Standing wave Sculpture
Standing wave morphology by Gabriel Kelemen 1995
Turner & the Sea
This beautifully illustrated book brings together many of Turner’s most celebrated seascapes, from...
Mediterranean Impressions
from a boat trip in Adriatic Sea in 2012