& collect
Black and white impressions from the city of spirits
share Kyoto
Old and new in Singapore.
Portraits of vibrant Chinatown, Bangkok. (C) Mario Gagliardi
a collection of animated GIFs to look at while listening to good music.
Nara Vernacular
Vernacular architecture and interior details from Nara, Japan.© Mario Gagliardi.
Mazinger dreams of Robots
Robots by Morishita, spaceships by Joao Ribeiro, Tyler West, Tuomas Korpi, David Kang and others, ci...
Portraits, 2013. (C) Mario Gagliardi
The colors of Little India, Singapore. (C) Mario Gagliardi
Interior 2011
Interior design in Paris
Liquid Logo
a work in progress
Mediterranean Impressions
from a boat trip in Adriatic Sea in 2012
Tom the cat says
The Art of Japanese Food
color. taste. composition. sheer yumminess.
Wood, Stone, Paper, Water
Black and white photography from Kyoto, Japan.
Geometric compositions
The beginnings of an idea
Night Stories
(C) Mario Gagliardi 2014
Twenty Twentyone
Impressions from Vienna in the latter half of 2021. Images by Mario Gagliardi.
Parallel Universe
Sometimes, you can catch one of these scenes when things seem less real, as if another version of re...
The gilded castle
Besides castle Neuschwanstein in Bavaria, Peles is the most remarkable turn-of-the-century castle i...
The Heavy Palace
The Palace of the Parliament in Bucharest was built in the nineteen-eighties after a design by Anca ...
Paris 2019. (C) Mario Gagliardi
Street Life
Photographic impressions in the streets of Tokyo and Kyoto. (C) Mario Gagliardi
DC Tower
Photography and image manipulation of the DC Tower by Dominique Perrault in Vienna as part of a proj...
Painted by Time
Inricate patterns created by lichens, made over time around the tiny cracks of ceramic tiles. (C) Ma...
Brand and product development project for a series of Korean premium specialty food products. (C) Ma...
The art of improvising art
The recently abandoned administrative headquarters of Austrian Post, an imposing turn of the century...
Management 7
7 thoughts on management: Paradox, Management, Hierarchy, Bureaucracy, Trust, Vision, Motivation. (C...
Twelve essential business analysis grids for design management.
Place cards
Place cards for business meetings: Graphics of common business metaphors are placed in front of meet...
The Many Sides of the Moon
Variations on light refraction patterns through a prism, in a set-up reminding on the iconic cover o...
Happy days in the town of Muhamma, Kerala, India. Images (C) Mario Gagliardi 2014.
Hotel Metropole
Hotel Metropole, Mysore, India. This remarkable building was constructed by the Maharaja of Mysore t...
The ghost of Vasco Da Gama
Kappad beach near Kozhikode (Calicut), India, where the Portuguese explorer Vasco Da Gama landed on ...
Travel Stories
Images from Taichung, Taiwan; Honolulu, Hawaii, USA; Atlanta, Georgia, USA; Berlin, Germany; Frankfu...
Seen or remembered
Like all great travellers, I have seen more than I remember, and remember more than I have seen. Ben...
Postcards from Miami
Art Deco in Miami Beach. Photos (C) Mario Gagliardi
Brasilia, Brazil
Brasilia, Brazil, 1997. Photos have been taken on an analog camera with Kodachrome Film. (C) Mario G...
Photographic impressions of Shanghai, Hangzhou and surroundings. © Mario Gagliardi
Hong Kong
Impressions from Hong Kong. © Mario Gagliardi
fotoform: subjective photography
The photographic experiments of the Surrealists and the Bauhaus Group had been interrupted by World ...
Mid-century Doha
Many buildings in Doha built between the fifties and seventies have been of special interest for the...
A collection of illustrations and graphics. (C) Mario Gagliardi 2006-2009.
Vienna - Venezia
Memory´s images, once they are fixed in words, are erased, Polo said. Perhaps I am afraid of losing...
The evening in India
I like the evening in India, the one magic moment when the sun balances on the rim of the world, and...
都 The Miyako
Shinjuku 新宿区
Shinjuku, Tokyo. Ⓒ Mario Gagliardi.
Impressions of Kawthoung, the southernmost town of Burma (Myanmar).
Street Food
Gastronomy on wheels: Since the economic crisis of 1998, Americans are wholeheartedly embracing the ...
Neighbourhood Transport
The Tuk Tuk: the most symbolic vehicle of Thailand. A cross between a motorcycle and a rickshaw, thi...
Omotesando and Roppongi Hills 表参道ヒルズ 六本木ヒルズ
A walk around Omotesando Hills (表参道ヒルズ) and Roppongi Hills (六本木ヒルズ) in Tokyo...
images from my research about the building and repairing of Qatari Dhows, the traditional boats of t...
Snapshots from the furniture fair in Milan. (C) Mario Gagliardi 2010.
There was a time when there was no reality show, and news was exciting. Reality only needed a good n...
People on the sidewalks of London.
La casa
Back to the basics in Tuscany. Images (C) Mario Gagliardi 2018
Carlo Scarpa: Tomba Brion
Black and white photos of the Tomba Brion, designed by Carlo Scarpa.© Mario Gagliardi.
Poul Kjaerholm
chairs designed by Poul Kjaerholm.