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penccil: Multi-purpose GARDENSHED
Multi-purpose GARDENSHED
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Gardenshed for storage, sitting, sowing and harvesting. The only wood used comes from Robinia pseudoacacia in different sizes, becoming grey in time.
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Shop Them - DR NOKI T-shirts are here!
penccil is happy to announce its launching of penccil shop <t with fashion ...
Nature morte/Nature vivante
Until recently, artists, designers and architects were used to working with inert, non-living materi...
Furniture design from upcycled materials: Stools from old rubber tyres, oil barrels and washing mach...
Collaborative City Planning
The result of the Zero Carbon project: a collaborative scale model of the prototype site, close to t...
Digital Biology
Interior studies for public indoor spaces merging digital and biological environments. Wall modules ...
Low cost urban transport
Combining contemporary technology with a focus on low cost and reliability, this neighborhood transp...
Hybrid urban scooter
A low-cost hybrid urban scooter for developing countries running either on electric battery or on bi...
City garden III: 'Scepsis'
Small family garden for 4: eatable, natural and relaxing.
City Garden II ´Spaces´
Family garden for 5: spacy rooms
City garden I: 'Garden of Hope'
Family garden in Arnhem. Designed to meet the world and to feel part of it.
Organic Public
Contemporary cities are in need of public spaces which work better for their citizens. This proposal...
Thai Silk and Rattan
In Thailand, Mario Gagliardi directed a collaboration with silk weavers from Buri Ram and rattan fur...
Shared Space
To develop better urban strategies and futures for communities in desert climates, Mario Gagliardi w...
Bird´s Nest
I am often struck by the nests that crows build using clothes hangers. Hangers are not only durable ...
The Value Of Worthless
Klaas Kuiken is a designer, but in his workspace he´s more like an inventor or craftsman. Klaas Kui...
Luigi Pellegrin: Visionary of Architecture
In 1930, Luigi Pellegrin’s father is working on the Buon Pastore compound in Rome, the future seat...
Go boat and pop up
A pop-up sandwich bar for Hellmann´s mayonnaise and Goboat picnic boats, two urban concepts by Carl...
Low Tech can be smart and fun
A curated collection and workshop on handmade and sustainable objects, made in northern Thailand and...
Greenhouses for the city: Spaceplates
A greenhouse is a contained quantity of air and light which extends the growing season and enables t...
Re watering
Studiomobile is a design office established by Antonio Girardi and Cristiana Favretto in 2007. It co...
Frei Otto
To learn how to build economically, environmentally and in harmony with nature, Frei Otto founded th...
Palitos lamp by Sergio Mendoza
Palitos [spanish for ´little sticks] is a lamp of contrasts. The wooden chaos and the simple metal ...
Individual Nature by Patrick Nadeau
Trained as an architect, Patrick Nadeau has explored and articulated the possibilities of vegetation...
Philip Bastian von Hase: Reverse Sitting
'Trialog' is a three legged wooden chair, designed for reverse sitting. It has a back rest that also...
SEED Awards
SEED Awards for Excellence in Public Interest Design: 2014 Award Winners The Fourth Annual SEED Awar...
Walk The Plank Collective
Furniture made from wood from salvaged Indonesian fishing vessels: "we try to use recycled materials...
Polar Melt
My most recent drawings portray Greenland´s melting ice. This body of work documents climate change...
The Zero Carbon Project
A selection of results from a collaboration of Mario Gagliardi with international experts from acros...
2013 Recycling Design Award
The best entries of the 6th German Recycling Design Award. Seemingly useless things are to be be ma...
a green building designed by Shuhei Endo.
Green urban design concepts
Three visions for green urban design solutions: Green climate fund headquarters feasibility study in...
GM Belly Tank
Detroit: General Motors designed the Belly Tank to demonstrate the versatility of the Ecotec 2,0 lit...
Zero CO2
Zurich, Switzerland: There is zero C02 output of this new, beautifully designed multifunctional bui...