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penccil: It´s Ski Time!
It´s Ski Time!
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Now one of the most popular winter sports, skiing once was an old mode of transport with a history of nearly 5 millennia. I love these beautiful vintage advertising posters produced in the 20th century.
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It´s Ski Time!
Dolomite in Trentino, Italy. 1962. Design by Arti Grafiche R. Manfrini in Rovereto Photo by Eccher.
It´s Ski Time!
Ski Switzerland. Published by the Swiss National Tourist Office in the 1960s.
It´s Ski Time!
Take the train to Germany and have a winter fun! Designed by Heinz Grave-Schmandt in 1962.
It´s Ski Time!
Mont Blanc in France. Designed by Y. Laty in the 1960s.
It´s Ski Time!
Poster for Oberstdorf Skijumping Week event. Germany in 1961.
It´s Ski Time!
A poster of Mont Blanc, Chamonix in France published by the French government. Photo by Guy Couttel in 1967.
It´s Ski Time!
St Johann, a famous ski town in Tyrol, Austria.
It´s Ski Time!
Snow Man ski poster printed by the Austrian Federal Government in the 1950s.
It´s Ski Time!
Come to Finland for Winter Sports! Finnish State Railway published this poster in the 1950s.
It´s Ski Time!
Beautiful and serene Zell am See in Austria. Poster printed in the 1930s.
It´s Ski Time!
Enjoy winter sports in Hälsingland, Sweden. Poster by Bengt Brattström in 1945.
It´s Ski Time!
Take a train over Montreux-Oberland-Bernois when you go skiing in Switzerland. Designed by Martin Peikert in 1946.
It´s Ski Time!
Rastkogelhütte in Austria. Designed by W.H Tittel in 1936-38.
It´s Ski Time!
Bad Reichenhall ski course in Germany boasts spectacular views and comfortable hotels. Designed in Germany in 1936.
It´s Ski Time!
One of the finest Norwegian ski posters designed by Gert Jynge & Bjarne Engebret.
It´s Ski Time!
A poster published by Italian state Tourism Board in 1935. Designed by A.M. Cassandre.
It´s Ski Time!
Winter Sport in France! - The poster welcomes skiers to Vosges, Pyrenees. Design by Roland Hugon, 1937
It´s Ski Time!
Designed by Gustav Jahn in 1920, this poster invites skier to an Austrian Ski Resort caMurtal Bahn in Murau, Styria.
Jamie Keenan: Covers
Cover designs by London-based graphic designer Jamie Keenan.
Japan Ad 1950
Artistic Japanese print ads from the nineteen-fifties.
Carta. Materia viva, vibrante, mutevole.
Work by Daniele Papuli. Daniele´s material of choice is paper. He creates moving sculptures and ins...
Polar Melt
My most recent drawings portray Greenland´s melting ice. This body of work documents climate change...
Diego Rivera
Diego Rivera was born December 13, 1886 in Guanajuato, Mexico. Rivera began drawing at the age of th...
Disaster, Catastrophe, Collision
Spectacular illustrations from Le Petit Journal, Paris in the late 1900s: The Yellow Press was prett...
Stripes and Stripes
Striped graphics - a graphic design trend? Examples from:
This is Not Normal
The presentation of BMW Group at the IAA 2013. Photos by Die Photodesigner.
Cafe Gaga Shenzhen
Architecture by Coordination, photos by Die Photodesigner.
Emmanuelle Moureaux
Corporate architecture and design by French architect Emmanuelle Moreaux living and working in Tokyo...
Going far away in style and comfort
A selection of illustrations about travel and transportation from the fifties, including L´hydravio...
Russian graphics
A selection of Russian graphics from 1920 to 1930.
Urban Ads
Advertisement as urban intervention. Ads for IBM by Ogilvy France.
“I hate people who are not serious about meals. It is so shallow of them.” ― Oscar Wilde, The ...
Fascinating animated images by Istanbul-based visual artist Erdal Inci. Erdal is currently available...
Alvar Aalto furniture
a collection of classic furniture by Alvar Aaalto.
A new way of seeing
Not many designs are able to achieve classic status while still being unmistakably unique. These are...
drawings by Micael Reynaud.
Slalom Skiing
To slalom is to zigzag.
King of Ubu
illustrations by Archie Fitzgerald. Originally from Canterbury, Kent, Archie graduated from UWE Bri...
Photography by Maximilian Haidacher. His series Vallées du Soleil and Alpenrose deal with the arti...
Furniture by Donald Judd
As "small is beautiful," so is simple. Photos courtesy: Pinakothek Moderne - Die Neue Sammlung, Muni...
Balance Sheets
Artwork made of finely cut ledger paper by Jill Sylvia,
Object Rotterdam 2013
OBJECT Rotterdam is a special contemporary design fair presenting limited editions and one-offs at t...
Graphic Inspiration
A collection of amazing, surprising and beautiful 20th century artwork to inspire your next graphic ...
Tomas Saraceno
Tomas Saraceno´s installation in Milan!
The Krazyhouse
Rineke Dijkstra is one of the world´s best-known photo and video artists. ´The Krazyhouse´ shows ...
Small is Beautiful
Museum-sized sculptures are hard to collect for the average art lover with the average apartment. Bu...
Einstein´s diary
diaries by great minds
Renaissance Perspectives
Venetian Palazzo interiors by Mattias Schaller, Palladio modeled by Eisenman, and Leonardo´s Adorat...
Andy Warhol & Product Placement Art
New York, NY: Pop artist Andy Warhol never disdained commercials and advertisements, as he famously ...
Vintage Bosch Posters
Good product is the best advertisement.
Ceramic subtleties
Sculptures by Ron Nagle, reminiscent of Japanese sweets or alien planets in candy colors
Emotional drones
タマ tama : ball, sphere; also jewel, spirit, soul タマタマ tamatama : by chance Balloon drone...
“Modern man has become a cog in a very complex society. We live in a society that praises individu...
OZ was an underground magazine first published in Sydney in 1963. A second version appeared in Londo...
Bulb: Handblown glass hooks. Different sizes and colours decorate the wall and help you organize. D...
RoundAbout: The geometrical shape of this side table creates a strong graphical image. The component...
Forward Retreat
Mark Tansey was born in California. He attended art classes at the San Francisco Art Institute and s...
Lucha Libre
A small set of ´Lucha Libre´-posters found by Dutch graphic designer Hans Gremmen at a printer in ...
Pavel Tchelitchew: Spiral head
Pavel Tchelitchew (Па́вел Фёдорович Чели́щев) (1898 - 1957) was a surrealist ...
The EU Game
A French board game from the nineteen-fifties including hazards and a pan-european currency.
Gernot Oberfell and Jan Wertel
WertelOberfell was founded in 2007 by Gernot Oberfell and Jan Wertel. Both studied Industrial Design...
Paper Things
A concept by Pol Úbeda Hervàs for Torraspapel.
Olivetti Ads
Olivetti was not only renowned for its product design, it also worked with the best graphic designer...
Charles Pétillon
Cosmetics, Accessories and Jewels masterfully photographed by Charles Pétillon.
Cannes Outdoor Lions 2014
Each year Cannes Outdoor Lions trophies are awarded to the most creative advertising campaigns in th...
45º27´51.36"N 4º37´33.62"E
Series "Grid Reference" by Sam Irons. Sam, born 1978 as son of actor Jeremy Irons, works as a film l...
Benjamin Phelan
Benjamin Phelan, b. 1982 Bryn Mawr, PA, lives/works in Brooklyn, NY. Solo and Two Person Exhibition...
Posters from Germany, Austria, Switzerland
In the spirit of media theorist Marshall McLuhan’s widely known book The Medium is the Massage: An...
Constance Guisset
Constance Guisset creates objects and interiors. She studied at ESSEC and E.N.S.C.I.- Les Ateliers....
The Pearl lamp is the result of a collaboration between Pierre Favresse and the embroidery of Emmanu...
The Perch Collection consists of several pieces based on the same construction: a reading chair, coa...
An Eclipse Day
An Eclipse Day provides a stratification of cyan blue, magenta and yellow glass that in turn creates...
Jose Duarte: DIY Visualization
Jose Duarte is a designer specialising in information visualization and visual communication.
with Paper
Paper is not only the favorite medium for writers, it also is for artists and designers. Three creat...
STRIPE is a multifunctional box which allows you to ‘design’ your own composition. A single modu...
Cristina Vezzini & Chen Sheng Tsang: Ceramic and Glass
After finishing their studies at the Royal College of Art, Cristina Vezzini and Chen Sheng Tsang set...
François Schuiten
François Schuiten was born in Brussels, Belgium in 1956. During his studies at the Saint-Luc Instit...
Satoshi Itasaka: Lighting
Lighting design by Satoshi Itasaka, designer from Tokyo.
Skrivo Chairs
The Milan based studio Skrivo was founded in 2011 by the Croatian/Irish product designer Stefan Kriv...
Beautiful French vintage perfume and cosmetics ads.
Body & Soul
A year ago the Museum of Arts and Design in New York opened an exhibition titled "Body & Soul: New I...
Tom Blachford: Havana
Tom Blachford, photographer from Melbourne, travels to Cuba.
Creatures of the Planet Tror
Graphic designer Lee Sung Eun from Seoul presents
Inon Rettig: Plonter
The vase "Plonter" is a project led by keter plastic group as part of a fund raiser targeting high-r...
Melvin Galapon
Melvin Galapon graduated from Central St. Martin’s. He is based in London where he works on Portr...
War and Propaganda 14/18
2014 sees the centenary of the outbreak of the First World War. The Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Ha...
Black Box
Photographer Jeffrey Milstein studied architecture at the University of California at Berkeley. His ...
Finnish Type: Kokoro & Moi
Kokoro & Moi was founded in 2001 by designers Teemu Suviala and Antti Hinkula. Clients include City ...
Lernert & Sander
Lernert Engelberts (1977) and Sander Plug (1969) create concept art films and installations. They h...
Apollo 11
Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins and Buzz Aldrin took over 1400 pictures with a Hasselblad 70mm camer...
Hong Kong
Hong Kong´s unexpected greenery as seen by photographer Romain Jacquet-Lagrèze. He says: "No matte...
The remarkable Mercedes-Benz W196R won the 1954 German and Swiss Grands Prix with driver Juan Manuel...
Photography by Rüdiger Nehmzow. Born 1966 in Ansbach, Germany, living since 1987 in Düsseldorf. Af...