André Bloc - Sculptures Habitacles
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André Bloc (1896 - 1966) was painter, sculptor, engineer, architect and editor. A graduate of the Ecole Centrale in 1924, he founded the magazine L´Architecture d´aujourd´hui in 1930. He was an apprentice to sculptor Henri Laurens. In 1949 he created the magazine Art d´Aujourd´hui. Through the magazines L’Architecture d’aujourd’hui and Art d’Aujourd’hui he campaigned for a renewed relationship between art and architecture in response to the formal poverty of functionalism. In 1951, he founded the group Espace with Felix del Marle, standing for a new synthesis of the arts. Several prominent artists and architects of the time participated: Nicolas Schöffer, Ionel Schein, Sonia Delaunay, Jean Prouvé and others. He worked in interdisciplinary projects, particularly with the young architect Claude Parent. Together, they realized several projects, including his own house in Antibes in 1959.
Good design is in all the things you notice. Great design is in all the things you don’t.
— Wim Hovens
— Wim Hovens
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