Tommaso Bonaventura Alessandro Imbriaco Fabio Severo
Vista dalla terrazza della casa di Francesco Schiavone, Casal di Principe, Caserta, 2013
Tommaso Bonaventura Alessandro Imbriaco Fabio Severo Vista dalla casa di Franco Coco Trovato, Galbiate, Lecco, 2014
Simone Donati, Pistoia, Gennaio 2013. Lo "Tsunami Tour", la campagna elettorale del Movimento 5 Stelle, guidato dal comico Beppe Grillo. Supporters del Movimento assistono all'intervento di Beppe Grillo, 2014
Michele Borzoni,Concorso pubblico per 9 posti per educatore di asilo nido nel Comune di Firenze, presso l’Obi Hall. 2813 domande di partecipazione e 2174 affluiti. Firenze, 9 Maggio 2014, © Michele Borzoni / TerraProject
Simone Donati, Prato, maggio 2014. Il comizio di Matteo Renzi per la chiusura della campagna elettorale delle elezioni europee 2014. Matteo Renzi saluta i supporters alla fine del comizio, 2014
Gianni Cipriano, Palermo, febbraio 2013. Silvio Berlusconi, accompagnato dal segretario del Popolo della Libertà Angelino Alfano, saluta i propri supporters a chiusura del comizio tenutosi al Teatro Politeama, 2013
Gianni Cipriano, Roma, aprile 2013. Palazzo del Quirinale. Le poltrone dei ventuno ministri prima dell'inizio della cerimonia di giuramento del Governo Letta, 2013
Tommaso Bonaventura Alessandro Imbriaco Fabio Severo
Fascicoli del maxiprocesso 1986-1987, 2012, Corleone, Palermo
© Tommaso Bonaventura / Alessandro Imbriaco
Tommaso Bonaventura Alessandro Imbriaco Fabio Severo
Vista dal balcone della casa di Gaetano Badalamenti, 2012, Cinisi, Palermo
© Tommaso Bonaventura / Alessandro Imbriaco
Armin Linke, Il corpo dello Stato (2002-2009), Investitura dei Vescovi, San Pietro, Courtesy Fondazione MAXXI, Collezione MAXXI
Andrea Botto, Cala dell’Oro, Area Marina Protetta di Portofino (GE) Liguria – 13.08.07, ore 17.27 Cala dell’Oro è un’area a riserva integrale, dove è interdetto l’accesso sia dal mare che da terra, tranne che per scopi scientifici. Nei prossimi mesi sarà attivata una sperimentazione con accessi regolamentati per le immersioni subacquee, 2007, Collezione MAXXI
Letizia Battaglia, Stabilimento balneare abusivo su spiaggia composta di materiale di risulta, 2007, Collezione MAXXI
“I perhaps owe it to flowers that I became a painter.”
Arguably the most important painter of gardens in the history of art, Monet was also an avid horticu...
Franz De Lacroix
Model: Franz De Lacroix / Average is Boring
Photographer: Paulina Wyszynska
Joe Colombo: Total Furnishing Unit
The Total furnishing unit: Bathroom by Joe Colombo, Milano 1971.
Carlo Scarpa: Sketch and Work
There is hardly another architect of the 20th century in whose work the progression from sketch to c...
Cerith Wyn Evans is a Welsh sculptor and filmmaker. He worked as an assistant to Derek Jarman, at th...
Struth: Nature & Politics
Thomas Struth´s work shows us highly complex equipment, structures and constructions. His pictures ...
Sislej Xhafa
Sislej Xhafa has furnished the waiting room of a police station in Gent like a grand palace. He pres...
Future Architecture
Future Architecture Platform is a European program which promotes talents in architecture. Future A...
Superstudio, Superproduction, Superconsumption
Superarchitecture is the architecture of superproduction, of superconsumption, of superinduction to ...
Heartbeat, Heartseat
Heartbeat consists of a massive heart glowing to the rhythm of a strong, deep and low frequency hear...
Obsolete Distinction
In contemporary society, the digital world pervades the physical to such an extent that any distinct...
Design & Politics
Photo series "design and politics" by Philippe Jarrigeon, photographer and publisher, born in 1982 i...
20th Century Italian Tables
A collection of 20th century Italian table designs.
Julius Shulman: Visual Drama
"Julius had an eye for visual drama. With modernist buildings, he loved capturing the strong lines s...
Memories of Ruins: Rebecca Bathory
Finding beauty in darkness, poetry and meaning in the forgotten and surreal, imaginary worlds amongs...
Toshio Onda
Japanese Fashion photographer Toshio Onda studied at the University of West England. He lives in Par...
BASILE ARTECO "Monoblocco" design Donata Paruccini
pen-holder design Donata Paruccini
BASILE ARTECO "Falce/Scythe" design anonimo
Design Anonimo, Scythe in forged iron handmade in Italy in the occasion of the exhibition of the "FE...
BASILE ARTECO "Ferro/D" design Enzo Mari
DESIGN ENZO MARI: Forged iron and Murano Glass Vase, Limited Edition of 6, numbered and signed by th...
BASILE ARTECO "Ferro/A" design Enzo Mari
DESIGN ENZO MARI: Forged iron fruit-bowl Limited Edition of 4, numbered and signed by the Author Enz...
BASILE ARTECO "Ferro/B" design Enzo Mari
DESIGN ENZO MARI: Forged iron fruit-bowl, Limited Edition of 6 numberd and signed by the Author Enzo...
BASILE ARTECO "Ferro/C" design Enzo Mari
DESIGN ENZO MARI: Forged iron and Murano Glass Vase, limited Edition of 4 signed and numbered by the...
BASILE ARTECO "L´Utopia" design Enzo Mari
ENZO MARI: Original hand written script on paper for Vincenzo Basile
exhibition "Ferri Forgiati" Gal...
BASILE ARTECO "Monoblocco/L" design Donata Paruccini
BASILE ARTECO "Coquetier" design Paolo Ulian
Rayan Ayash
Rayan Ayash is a Fashion Photographer based in New York & Paris.
Palmyra, End of March, 2016
Palmyra. City of Mesopotamia, city of the Phoenicians, of the Assyrians, the Greeks, the Persians, a...
The end of history - La fin de l´histoire
"Belief in progress is irresistible. In flattering the eye it blinds us. Standing in the middle of t...
Naoya Hatakeyama was born in 1958 in Iwate Prefecture, Japan. Hatakeyama, a student of Kiyoji Otsuji...
Man. Kiki. Lee.
The muses of Emmanuel Radnitzky (Man Ray)
"All I need is an onion, a bit of bread, and a bottle of ...
“Modern man has become a cog in a very complex society. We live in a society that praises individu...
Uncanny Bodies
There is a space of imagination stretching between brain, lens and body: Photography by Ariana Molly...
Trees in Winter
A series utilizing random patterns in nature to reveal mathematical beauty, by Ansen Seale.
“I have always loathed the material and have always sought the immaterial”
Dadamaino (Emilia Edo...
Manufactured Landscapes
We've created landscapes dense with human history, layered with the traces of our experience and cri...
Sketching: Bellini, Castiglioni, Colombo, Mari, Magistretti, Munari, Ponti, Sottsass
The essence of a classic design is best seen in its very first sketch. A unique selection of sketche...
Noémie Goudal is a French artist who graduated from the Royal College of Art in 2010 with an MA in ...
Impressionist Gardens
“Many of Monet’s colleagues shared his passion for gardening and were inspired to paint gardens ...
AG Frozoni: We need to aim at essential things
“We need to aim at essential things, to remove every redundant effects, every useless flowering, t...
Andrea Guccini: 4A+1
Andrea Guccini, born in Bologna in 1993, studied at the IED in Milan. He is living and working betw...
Nauru was first inhabited at least 3,000 years ago. Inhabitants caught ibija fish, acclimatised them...
Radiofonografo RR126
The Brionvega RR126, designed by Pier Giacomo and Achille Castiglioni in 1965, was a remarkable inno...
George Sowden
George Sowden studied architecture at Gloucester College of Art. From 1970 he lived in Milan, workin...
The Krampus in Salzburg, Austria was the first beast Charles Fréger encountered during his two-yea...
Angelo Mangiarotti
Angelo Mangiarotti was born in Milano in 1921. He graduated in Architecture in 1948 at Politecnico d...
Carlo Mollino: Tables and Chairs
Carlo Mollino (1905 - 1973) studied art history at the University of Ghent and architecture at the U...
The contemporary condition
Fred Guillaud (France, 1973) is photographer, architect and teacher. He lives and works in Barcelon...
Orange mecanique
Philippe Jarrigeon, photographer and publisher, was born in 1982 in France. He graduated from ECAL ...
Alessio Bassan
Alessio Bassan: born in 1962, I live and work in Thiene, Italy. Self-taught Designer, from almost im...
Antonio Rubino
Antonio Rubino: Pittore, illustratore e scrittore (Sanremo 1880 - Baiardo 1964). Legato all´art nou...
"I’m an outsider"
Born in New York City in 1928, William Klein studied sociology while enrolled at City College of New...
Raised in Maryland, Nicholas Alan Cope moved to Los Angeles in 2004 and attended Art Center College ...
Josef Sudek
Josef Sudek (b. March 17, 1896, Kolin, Bohemia – d. September 15, 1976) was a Czech photographer, ...
Jeannette Montgomery Barron was born in 1956 in Atlanta and studied at the International Center of P...
Charles Negre
Charles Negre is an independent studio photographer living and working in Paris.
constructing meaning in 3 steps
Frank Hülsbömer was born 1968 in Münster/Germany.
Photojournalist Luke Wolagiewicz lives in London. Over the last 15 years he has worked across the Mi...
The 2015 best of penccil
This was an extraordinary year. The world went through a series of shocks and shake-ups, and in betw...
The Other Side
There's always another side, other stories and new faces behind the glamorous curtains of the fashio...
Spatial Objects
Spatial Objects is the result of Dan Holdsworth’s ongoing enquiry into contemporary photographic p...
Hello Winter
Hello winter . A small selection of landscape photography made in the Atlantic islands of Azores dur...
Silent Geography
Silent Geography is a site-specific installation consisting of Hazard's torn paper constructed lands...
Ankara: From pioneering modernism to revivalist mimicry
Ankara: Öncü modernizmden öykünmeci mimesise
Murat Germen is an artist using photography as an ...
In this work Andrea Alessio collects, as in an ancient bestiary, a series of animal images. The fore...
I would like to introduce this new series of photos by Andrea Alessio by appealing to an axiom that ...
Created by Jae Won Cho, AKA J1. J1 studio is a furniture design studio located in Los Angeles produc...
Behind the walls
Paolo Ventura was born in Milan in 1968. His work has been exhibited in museums and private gallerie...
Lo Zuavo Scomparso
Paolo Ventura was born in Milan in 1968. His work has been exhibited in museums and private gallerie...
Antonio Sant´Elia: The house of concrete, glass and steel
"No architecture has existed since 1700. A moronic mixture of the most various stylistic elements us...
Night Stories
(C) Mario Gagliardi 2014
Choreography of pictorial fetishes
Afterword by WM Hunt
These are photographs.
These exist uniquely as photographs. The artist, Manuel ...
Dining Table "Flow" designed by Mario Gagliardi for Mario and Casa.
Bus station
Photos captured as a part of incomplete project looking to be completed.
Twenty Twentyone
Impressions from Vienna in the latter half of 2021. Images by Mario Gagliardi.
Parallel Universe
Sometimes, you can catch one of these scenes when things seem less real, as if another version of re...
Surface N° 2
Arctic Paper presents Surface N° 2 – a second edition featuring a specially curated selection of ...
Looking West
Glimpses at sunset,
Snapshots of beauty,
How deep the sea,
Cliffs that soar away.
Imaginings of the ...
Casa Sperimentale
One of the most visionary built experiments of 20th century architecture was created through the per...
SCARABOOK is the combination of Scarabottolo and the English word book (but perhaps we ought to say ...
My calendar
I start to make it in 2000, the year in which the future has passed, at the request of Adriano Mei G...
71 views of the magic mountain
In the days of the first lockdown I started making these drawings, remotely inspired by Hokusai´s "...
on paper books and e-books
these drawings were made thinking about what is happening to the books through various titles of cla...
Paris 2019. (C) Mario Gagliardi
Street Life
Photographic impressions in the streets of Tokyo and Kyoto. (C) Mario Gagliardi
Every photo has an energy, a direction, and a story. I do not own this story.
The Venice Pavillon
The Venice Pavillon interprets the history of Venice as a point of contact between West and East. Sh...
Bones, Stones, Sticks, & Stones
Digital photography and manipulation on paper.
Yukon Territory, Canada
Territorium: Ars - Techne-Krafts-Cosmovisión
Colección de imágenes que soportan investigación a nivel de postgrado: Maestría
Estudios Territ...
Writing & Design
Romantic Modern: The California Architecture of Harwell Hamilton Harris. Writer and Designer, Ted We...
Writing & Design
Casting Shadows, Auguste Rodin. Writer and Designer.
Hoi An
Ancient Town in Vietnam and South-East Asian trading port dating from the 15th to the 19th century
worlds of planet earth
A set of photos from different places on Earth.
A vitual holodeck where experimental objects are constantly being built and unbuilt. Move your mouse...
Mechanical Suprematist
Experience interesting architectural compositions being created as you look around. This generator w...
Immersive sketch
Travel through an animated architectural sketch (move mouse to look around): http://mariogagliardi.c...
The shape of clouds
"Outside, the land stretches, empty, to the horizon; the sky opens, with speeding clouds. In the sha...
Painted by Time
Inricate patterns created by lichens, made over time around the tiny cracks of ceramic tiles. (C) Ma...
penccil: This was 2017
The penccil year in review is a project selection for 2017, this year curated by Mario Gagliardi. Se...
Wayne Sorce: Urban Color
"Wayne Sorce: Urban Color" is on view from October 21st through November 30th at Joseph Bellows Gall...
The wall
photography and theoretical project about the The seperation wall between Israel and the west bank
Polish alternative musician Swiernalis
Vico Magistretti
Vico Magistretti (1920 - 2006) studied in Lausanne and Milano. He was one of the main protagonists o...
Study for a LED light installation. LED diodes are installed on a net of wires and placed over the l...
Gaetano Pesce: Abstraction is boring
"Abstraction is boring and limited as a mode of expression. Reducing and reducing designs means that...
Chromatic seating
3 colorful seats by 3 Italian designers: Giancarlo Zema graduated from the Faculty of Architecture o...
American Food
Davide Luciano is a New York based conceptual food and beverage photographer and motion artist. His ...
Books of Memory: Gianpaolo Pagni
Gianpaolo Pagni creates unique, printed, painted or stamped books. His work focuses around memory an...
Design is as much a matter of finding problems as it is solving them.
— Bryan Lawson
— Bryan Lawson
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- No trackers. No cookies.
Just creativity.