Future Architecture
Future Architecture Platform is a European program which promotes talents in architecture. Future A...
Superstudio, Superproduction, Superconsumption
Superarchitecture is the architecture of superproduction, of superconsumption, of superinduction to ...
72 dpi
Images on the Internet are changing our lives. While images were once only reserved for a certain fe...
Antonio Rubino
Antonio Rubino: Pittore, illustratore e scrittore (Sanremo 1880 - Baiardo 1964). Legato all´art nou...
Stan Galli
Illustrator Stan Galli (1912 - 2009) attended the California School of Fine Arts and was recruited a...
Nikolai Lutohin
Nikolai Lutohin (1932 - 2000) was born in Yugoslavia as the son of Russian parents. Already as a fiv...
Josef Müller-Brockmann (1914 – 1996) was one of the main exponents of the Swiss International Sty...
The Einstein Intersection
A collection of classic Science Ficion book covers.
Karolis Strautniekas is a freelance illustrator living and working in Vilnius, Lithuania. He studied...
Nelson Mandela Blvd
Wasteland is an on-going collection of self-initiated works by Hanno van Zyl, hand drawn using brush...
The fairytales of H. C. Andersen
Hans Christian Andersen was born 1805 in Odense, Denmark as the son of a poor shoemaker. He undertoo...
Icons of American Design: George Nelson
"Good design, like good painting, cooking, architecture or whatever you like, is a manifestation of ...
Siggi Eggertson: Ich Bin Ein Kugelschreiber
Hello, I´m Siggi Eggertsson. Born in Akureyri, a small town on the north coast of Iceland. Grew up ...
Klas Ernflo: Ink On Board
After his education at Beckmans College of Design, Klas moved to Barcelona where he started working ...
Numerical Digits 1 — 9
1 — 9 for 36 Days of Type
Why do you look like that?
Graphic Thought Facility is a graphic design studio in London. Recent commissions include store env...
A Book
Unpublished book project. This book contains photographs of the exhibition catalog section of a libr...
Ed Fella Documents
“I was an illustrator, so you see endless styles popping in and out of the books. The drawings are...
Invisible Cities
Gérard Trignac was born in 1955 in Bordeaux, where he attended the Bordeaux School of Architecture....
Stars in your eyes
Tim Lahan is an artist and illustrator living and working in New York. He’s the author of The Nosy...
Anne-Margot Ramstein
Anne-Margot Ramstein was born in Réunion. She studied art in Paris and at the School of Decorative ...
Baptiste Alchourroun
Baptiste Alchourroun makes visuals for magazines (covers, illustrations for articles) and record lab...
Noam Weiner
Noam Weiner is an illustrator from Tel Aviv, currently living in Hamburg, Germany. She graduated wit...
Pedro Bellido Barquero
Pedro Bellido Barquero: Así podríamos resumir mi infancia, adolescencia, postadolescencia y como q...
Voyager avec un crayon: Jacques de Loustal
À la fin des années 70, alors étudiant en architecture, il commence à publier des illustrations ...
Paintings On Books
Russell Cobb is an illustrator based in the UK. Russell has received many industry awards including ...
Eduardo Paolozzi
Transport for London removed a section of a mosaic by Sir Eduardo Paolozzi as part of a tube station...
And never again I'll go sailin'
Illustration by Paul X Johnson.
Anthony Peters
Anthony Peters is an illustrator and printmaker based in the UK.
Sami Viljanto: Grande Deluxe
Illustrations by Sami Viljanto. He lives and works in Helsinki.
Light is a Vector
Lighting designer Arnout Meijer was born in Rotterdam in 1988. He studied design at Design Academy E...
Maria Makeeva
Maria Makeeva is a young freelance illustrator and a recent graduate from the Academy of Arts, Archi...
Master of Fantastic Illustration: Daniel Mróz
Daniel Mróz (1917-1993) was a Polish illustrator whose unique style influenced several generations ...
The Same But Different
Graphic designer Jan Avendano lives and works in Toronto. She is available for coffee hangouts, col...
Quentin Jones
Quentin Jones is an all-media person - illustrator, model and filmmaker. She studied philosophy at C...
Elio Martinelli
Elio Martinelli (1921-2004) was born in Lucca, Tuscany. He studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Fl...
Where Do I End And The World Begins: Hubert & Fischer
Founded by Philipp Hubert and Sebastian Fischer, Hubert & Fischer is a design studio with offices in...
Studio A2/SW/HK is the graphic design studio of Scott Williams and Henrik Kubel in London.
Michael DeLucia: Sculptures
Michael DeLucia was born 1978 in Rochester, NY. He studied at Rhode Island School of Design and at R...
broglia traverso
brogliatotraverso is a product design studio founded by Alberto Brogliato and Federico Traverso. “...
Steve Wolfe
Steve Wolfe (b. 1955) re-creates worn books and used records, primarily from the 1960s and 1970s. I...
Hung-Ming Chen & Chen-Yen Wei
Afteroom, a design studio in Stockholm, was founded by Taiwanese designers Hung-Ming Chen and Chen-Y...
Illustrations by Victo Ngai
Victo Ngai is a New York based illustrator from Hong Kong. She graduated from Rhode Island School of...
Giorgio Gurioli
1981 inizia la sua attività: il sapere dell´elettronica e strumentazioni Motorola, Rockwell, Digit...
Gabriele Pardi & Laura Fiaschi
Gabriele Pardi and Laura Fiaschi founded Gumdesign 1999 in Viareggio, Italy. Clients include: Bienna...
350 Album Covers
A collection of remarkable album cover art from the nineteen-fifties to the nineteen-seventies.
Kazumasa Nagai
The Japanese graphic designer Kazumasa Nagai was born in Osaka in 1929. He studied sculpture at the ...
Soviet DIY
1930 Soviet cut-out books:
A. Laptev: Stroim iz kartona (We Build from Cardboard)
F. Kobrinet: Knizh...
Story w/out Story
«Story w/out Story» is an ongoing multivolume book project about the content and origin of our col...
Timo Meyer
Timo Meyer is a graphic artist and illustrator, currently living and working in Bonn, Germany. Clien...
Studio Tonique
The activities of Studio Tonique include graphic design, publishing, editing, research and curatoria...
Auf den Hund gekommen
Paul Philippe Raabe is a graphic designer and photographer based in Darmstadt, Germany. He studied a...
UMA / design farm is:
増井 辰一郎 / Shin-ichiro Masui
山副 佳祐 / Keisuke Yamazoe
西野 ...
Paper C
Editorial Director & Editor: Tomomi Tada [MUESUM]
Editor: Dai Nagae [MUESUM]
Publisher: Chishima Fou...
The Power of Images : イメージの力
UMA / design farm is:
増井 辰一郎 / Shin-ichiro Masui
山副 佳祐 / Keisuke Yamazoe
西野 ...
Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo : Museum Calendar
UMA / design farm is:
増井 辰一郎 / Shin-ichiro Masui
山副 佳祐 / Keisuke Yamazoe
西野 ...
Illustration: Luke Fenech
Luke Fenech, a graphic designer based in London, studied at Nottingham Trent University.
Jan Lichte studied at Fachhochschule Muenster. He works in his studio in Munich and for Gruner and ...
Sylvain Rieu-Piquet, Paris: Island of Delights
Sylvain Rieu-Piquet, born 1981, works and lives in Paris. He made a diploma at the Ecole Nationale S...
Eduardo Recife
Eduardo Recife lives and works in Brazil.
"I´ve been drawing since I was little. At school I had no...
Douglas Smith
Born in New York City, Douglas Smith earned a BFA in Illustration at Rhode Island School of Design i...
Jamie Mills
Jamie Mills is an artist, illustrator, animator and educator currently based in York, U.K. He worked...
Hey Ho
Hey Ho est un atelier de design graphique fondé en 2007 à Paris par Julien Hourcade & Thomas Petit...
The Genova grid
Artiva Design, based in Genova/Italy, was founded 2003 by Daniele De Batté and Davide Sossi. The st...
FOOD. CHOCOLATE. DESIGN. talks about food and flavour with a capital F - it is about intrinsic Itali...
中村至男 Norio Nakamura
Norio Nakamura was born 1967 in the city of Kawasaki in Kanagawa Prefecture. He is a graduate of the...
Elena Boils
Elena Boils, born in Mexico, is a freelance Illustrator based in the U.K. She graduated from Univers...
Ephemeral Illustration
Eda is a New York based illustrator and printmaker from Istanbul. After obtaining an MA in Communica...
New York New York
Remko Heemskerk is Illustrator, Graphic Designer and Art Director in Haarlem, the Netherlands.
Chris Gautschi: Book design
Chris Gautschi is a Swiss graphic designer who graduated from the Ecole d’Arts Appliqués in La Ch...
Square work
This is SPACEGIRL all coloured up with a few little effects added for good measure.
McDEAD ..and lovin' it!
In Australia we call McDonalds - Maccas.
Maccas holds a special place in my heart... it's called cho...
This is an unused piece for the Australian comic ZOMBIE CITIES by Zorab del Rio.
I can understand to...
This is the inks for TOKYO ZOMBIES,
a piece I did for the Australian comic called ZOMBIE CITIES by ...
Comic Art, Illustration, Art, Line Art, Brush, Comics.
Ilustraciones para artículo: El Papel de la Familia (Hospital Sant Joan de Déu) 2023
SCARABOOK is the combination of Scarabottolo and the English word book (but perhaps we ought to say ...
My calendar
I start to make it in 2000, the year in which the future has passed, at the request of Adriano Mei G...
71 views of the magic mountain
In the days of the first lockdown I started making these drawings, remotely inspired by Hokusai´s "...
on paper books and e-books
these drawings were made thinking about what is happening to the books through various titles of cla...
Inspired by Surrealism and some of the artists of that time (such as Dali or Ernst), I created basic...
Writing & Design
Romantic Modern: The California Architecture of Harwell Hamilton Harris. Writer and Designer, Ted We...
Writing & Design
Birdee, Tweet! Writer and Illustrator.
Writing & Design
Bohemian Crossroads: Art & Culture Collide Then Subside. Writer and Designer.
Writing & Design
Bohemian Highways: Abide Then Divide Along the California Coast. Writer and Designer.
Writing & Design
Horizon Homes: Living a Concrete Dream. Writer and Designer, Ted Wells.
Writing & Design
Artists Abroad: A Woman´s Journey to Discover the Artists. Writer and Illustrator.
Writing & Exhibition
Art That Matters. Writer and Designer.
Writing & Design
Casting Shadows, Auguste Rodin. Writer and Designer.
Writing & Design
Nofearatutu. Writer and Illustrator, Ted Wells.
Writing & Design
Bohemian Bridges: California as a Superstructure for Social and Cultural Change. Writer and Designer...
Writing & Design
I´m a Flower Child. Writer and Illustrator.
Writing & Design
SQT..or Not. Book. Writer and Illustrator, Ted Wells.
Exiled from Truth: Nine Allegories by Dmitry Borshch
"Exiled from Truth: Nine Allegories by Dmitry Borshch"
105 NY-110, Melville, NY 11747
July 10, 11 a...
Thames & Hudson
As conventional book sales decrease, book publishers have to come up with innovative strategies for ...
Coffee maker
Visualization of the process of coffee making.
The aim was not to use words.
Book : Monk
A book by Jonathan Monk.
Book : Tajima
A book by Mika Tajima.
Negative Entropy is a series of five abstract Jacquard woven portraits of in...
Book : Lewitt
A book by Sam Levitt.
TEMPLATE is a book whose information emerges under programmatic erasure. Or p...
Book : Baldessari
A book by John Baldessari.
Book : Armleder
A book by John Armleder.
Book : Mullican
A book by Matt Mullican.
Book : Weiner
A book by Lawrence Weiner.
Book : Cattelan
A book by Maurizio Cattelan.
Book : Brannon
A book by Matthew Brannon.
Books of Memory: Gianpaolo Pagni
Gianpaolo Pagni creates unique, printed, painted or stamped books. His work focuses around memory an...
Tom Ngo
"Common sense and conventional practice prohibits the evolution of architecture. Through reproducing...
Design is as much a matter of finding problems as it is solving them.
— Bryan Lawson
— Bryan Lawson
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