Weapons of Mass Distraction
Volker Morawe, Dipl. AV, born 1970 in the north of Germany, grew up in a sheltered small town close to the city of Bremen which is famous for its coffee and beer production. Passing through several schools, job training as space electronics technician, participant of second-chance education, hit producer, design student, from 1999 to 2004 student at the Academy of Media Arts Cologne. Major field of study: multisensoric interfaces in game context.
Tilman Reiff, Dipl. Inform. (FH), Dipl. AV, born 1971 in Duesseldorf, Germany, spent his childhood in the fatherly electronics laboratory and on offroad bicycles in the construction sites of Ratingen-Homberg. After a rebellious school carreer he left Munich to study computer science and media at the University of applied sciences in Furtwangen, followed by a postgraduate study at the Academy of Media Arts Cologne. Major field of studies: interaction design.
The Earworm Assault Devices (EAD) are a set of weapons for the propagation of highly infectious sound or music (earworms).
Sound is unavoidable (the ear can’t be shut like the eye) and evolutionary hardwired into our cognition apparatus, it can reach into the subconscious and arouse emotions. A well made sound can get stuck in the head of the hearer and loop for a varying time span. The infected person oftentimes repeats the sound involuntarily by singing, humming or whistling, eventually spreading the earworm like a virus. Messages can be modulated onto earworms like radiowaves on a carrier frequency, as a result earworms can be used to distribute messages or manipulate the individual. This fact is recognized and commercially exploited in various fields of modern life – like pop music, cellphone ringtones, audiobranding or elevator music to name a few.
Global brands are using huge budgets to propagate their earworms by means of multiple costly channels, the respectable citizen remains defence- and powerless. Until now: The Earworm Assault Devices (EAD) enable individuals or small groups to distribute their own earworms. Small pieces of highly infectious sound or music can be recorded onto the devices and fired at single or multiple persons, eventually spreading your message out into the world.
They come in different shapes and sizes and are affordable for small budgets.
The ////furminator is a pinball machine that puts the player in a first person perspective similar to modern “EGO Shooter” video games. Like being inside a huge VR-helmet, the player’s head is stuck into the ////furminator capsule. His nose is situated right behind the flipper fingers, only centimeters away from the ball. Sealed off from reality and with his head arrested inside a force-feedback-helmet, the sound- and lighteffects, the mechanical noises of the pinball and the absorbing perspective create a highly immersive mechatronic environment.
In the traditional pinball perspective – looking at the playfield from above – the perception of the gameplay is almost two-dimensional. The ////furminator however unifies the origin of visual perception and the physical vanishing point of the ball. Ceaselessly the ball is rolling towards the player’s face which is protected only by a small plastic screen. The high velocity of the approaching ball poses a constant threat to newbies, but the experienced ////furminator pilot will quickly appreciate the improved aiming possibilites the perspective provides.
The main idea behind behind the furminator was to create an immersive space which does not rely on computer generated images. Nowadays, the term “virtual reality” is instantly associated with rendered 3D graphics, projected onto walls surrounding the spectator or displayed on head-mounted LCD screens. Not only do most of these synthetically generated environments look non-real, they also leave most of the spectator’s senses outside in the real world.
By combining the perspective of an EGO-shooter with a mechanical pinball machine the ///furminator creates a “virtual reality” that incorporates the full body of the player. The “man against machine” setup provides an unparalleled experience and the interaction is not limited to pushing buttons: the whole body can be used to move and tilt the pinball until the ////furminator admonishes you to “chill out”.
the ////furer//// is a universal speech reciter. Up to 7 speeches of the worlds history most eviliest despots,important political and relgeous leaders, charismatics Gurus and unscrupulous Dictators can be uploaded to the installation and will be recited by this palm-sized puppet with lip-synched voice output and hand gesture.
The power of words has always been an instrument to manipulate people. In a good way but also in a bad way. Did you believe Colom Paul presenting the US war plan at the UN? In the politics, religeous and buisiness world charismatic leaders can easylie change the mind of people. Why do people get crazy when a CEO of a big computer company is presenting a new product? “Mein Führer” is an instrument to listen to speeches in a neutral way which helps you to think first before believe because the great seal of seduction is everywhere!
Friends: How many of them do you have? On facebook the „how many“ seems to be more important then the „who“. For some facebook users the amount of friends seems to be an indicator of their own popularity. But how can you have a deep relationship with hundreds of friends? It‘s just impossible!
facebox is the world’s smallest social network. It is an artifact to rehabilitate social network geeks, an ironic statement to the massive increased social network madness. It‘s time to make a change: Erase your facebook account today and switch over to facebox! With facebox it‘s easy: By stucking your head into one of this old computer monitors you will dive into this real world network. Find a friend and talk to him in a intimate face to face situation. facebox provides everything a former social network addicted persons needs to reactivate his social skills which are necessary to have an intense human to human conversation:
1. conversation stimulating computer controlled trustfully moderator voice
2. facebook like interior and screen design
3. cosy illumination concept
4. highly emotional music
5. close distance intercom system
But the most important is that no data will be stored or used by third party.
HMV is a board game. The players can move semi-autonomous ball robots by making sounds. Form and gravity collude with voice, board and chance. Each ball listens to a certain pitch and starts to move if the right frequency was hummed or sung.
The initial setting does not provide rules. The players get involved and slowly experience strategies and goals.
Nature morte/Nature vivante
Until recently, artists, designers and architects were used to working with inert, non-living materi...
Furniture design from upcycled materials: Stools from old rubber tyres, oil barrels and washing mach...
Back in the USSR
Great retro logos from the old USSR, and a Beatles song.
chair_ONE is the best known design by Konstantin Grcic, a German furniture designer whose work is eq...
Glasses by German manufacturer Cazal were considered a sought-after accessory in New York's hip-hop ...
Arte generativo
Ejemplos de arte generativo que sirvan de inspiración
Reactive Space
Inspired by Plato´s allegory of the cave, this is an architectural study for spaces reacting to its...
Omnidirectional microphone
Design for an omnidirectional microphone, recording sound from all spatial directions. Recorded soun...
A sculptural speaker rendered with GLSL signed distance functions.
(C) Mario Gagliardi 2018
Rudolf Belling
Rudolf Belling was sculptor, designer, architect and stage designer. In 1908, he founded a studio fo...
Streampal is a lifestream robot for Youtubers, Instagrammers and others who want to record passages ...
CoBrA Magazines
The avant-garde art collective CoBrA (Copenhagen, Brussels and Amsterdam) existed from 1949 to 1951....
The e-scooter Boom
The German Ministry of Transport announced that it will legalize e-scooters as road vehicles. All Ge...
Jonathan Ive leaves Apple
On June 28, Apple´s chief designer Jonathan Ive (born 1967) announced that he would leave Apple lat...
Abstract Form
Click 4 times on the canvas and watch how an abstract form is generated: https://www.mariogagliardi....
Essential Water
In many regions of the planet, water is increasingly becoming rare. Our understanding of water, refl...
The Venice Pavillon
The Venice Pavillon interprets the history of Venice as a point of contact between West and East. Sh...
Generative Botany
An early app for generative graphics, realized in 2000 in the (now deprecated) Adobe Flash. To use t...
This experiment looks at the process of human cognition. Letters get progressively filled with color...
Creative Changemakers & Future City
Promotional sites for the initiative Creative Changemakers and the event Future City. (C) 2018 MGD M...
The Persona Project
Social media are powerful because humans use the same parts of the brain to interact with machines a...
Blacker Box
Blacker Box is a design expression for an Intelligent Speaker. (C) Mario Gagliardi Design 2017
Stories of the Future
A random generator for news headlines of the future. Every 9 seconds, a new story is generated.
Oilspill, Carpet, Camouflage
Pattern generators for interesting surface patterns and backgrounds. Click "Start" to start, "Change...
Alessandro Mendini 1931-2019
For Alchimia, design is a cyle: everything that will have to happen has already happened, and the im...
In late 2018, we proposed a strategic repositioning of Vienna Art Week.
We suggested a fundamental...
Pieter Bruegel
During his lifetime, Pieter Bruegel the Elder was already among the period’s most sought-after art...
Collection of beautiful typography and graphic design.
Digital Biology
Interior studies for public indoor spaces merging digital and biological environments. Wall modules ...
Podchain is an integrated design concept for on-demand autonomous transport. To optimize kinetic ene...
Territorium: Ars - Techne-Krafts-Cosmovisión
Colección de imágenes que soportan investigación a nivel de postgrado: Maestría
Estudios Territ...
Fashion, Food, Transport
FUTURE CITY premiered at Vienna Art Week 2018 on November 20, 2018, at MAK Museum of Applied Arts in...
Writing & Design
Artists Abroad: A Woman´s Journey to Discover the Artists. Writer and Illustrator.
WRECK--Regeneration Experiment of Wasted Daily-use Ceramics from Chaozhou, China
WRECK, the destruction of decorum, the ruin of culture. BENTU went deep into daily-use ceramics indu...
How do you express time without numbers or watch hands?
Clocks abstract time into a measurable, un...
The loft bar
Concept project of loft bar.
Low cost urban transport
Combining contemporary technology with a focus on low cost and reliability, this neighborhood transp...
AI assistant
With the advance of digitalisation, items which once had a central position in households have disap...
Hybrid urban scooter
A low-cost hybrid urban scooter for developing countries running either on electric battery or on bi...
Omnidirectional Speaker
Sculptural ominidirectional speakers, projecting sound recorded from an omnidirectional microphone i...
An organic structure for bikes
A sports bike for urban and mountain environments. The aluminium frame provides for increased stabil...
Stories of You
REVOIR is an interactive mirror, activated by emotion detection to create stories through visual lan...
S tables
modul for table
One Hundred Thousand Games
One Hundred Thousand Games is an online game with unlimited levels. It takes the genre of first-per...
Jerszy Seymour Amateurtopia
Berlin born and –based designer Jerszy Seymour studied engineering at South Bank Polytechnic 1987 ...
Art Driver
A obstacle driving computer game with visual art. Use the arrow keys on your keyboard to push obsta...
Emotibots are shape-shifting social home robots interacting with humans. Robots will in the future i...
Black Box. A Cabinet of Robotic Curiosities
The Vitra Campus has a new exhibition space: in one of the houses at the southern entrance, a Black ...
The determined breaths of a glassblower are seldom included in the finished product of their labour,...
City Garden II ´Spaces´
Family garden for 5: spacy rooms
Charles Tassin
Interior designer Charles Tassin has developed a very personal approach to decoration. Merging the s...
penccil: This was 2017
The penccil year in review is a project selection for 2017, this year curated by Mario Gagliardi. Se...
Cutting the edges
Arctic Paper launches new swatch books for the brands Arctic, Amber and G-Print, as well as the two ...
Intentionally on the very edge of usability, this project takes ubiquitous objects - in this case co...
serpentine 2017
exhibition, schauspiel köln, cologne. steelobjects, ceramic reliefs.
temporary accessible sculpture.
Functional Pasta
Pasta based on the geometry of a Möbius strip, a geometric surface with the distinction of having o...
We Ar
University of Sunderland MA Glass and Ceramics Show
Coffee maker
Visualization of the process of coffee making.
The aim was not to use words.
Mapping Reality
During a walk through Berlin Moabit I sketched my perception of the surrounding streets. The result ...
UNTITLED PROJECT: CABIN [THOREAU] [ANGLET], 2016 –– a carved and painted replica of Henry David ...
Untitled Project: Honda CB77 Superhawk
UNTITLED PROJECT: HONDA CB77 SUPER HAWK, oil paint on carved wood, 2013-2014 –– A carved/painted...
Green Architecture…. Is it blessing or curse!!
Vico Magistretti
Vico Magistretti (1920 - 2006) studied in Lausanne and Milano. He was one of the main protagonists o...
Franz Kline
Around 1950, Franz Kline radically simplified painting: “Instead of making a sign you can read, yo...
Study for a LED light installation. LED diodes are installed on a net of wires and placed over the l...
Structured Reflection
These 3D-printed vases feature finely faceted surface structures which create intriguing light refle...
Gaetano Pesce: Abstraction is boring
"Abstraction is boring and limited as a mode of expression. Reducing and reducing designs means that...
Jeff Zimmerman
Jeff Zimmermann is a Chicago based artist. Born in Kentucky, Zimmerman spent his childhood among nat...
Field of Notion
Field of Notion delves into the dichotomies of light and shadows, life and death, creating a series ...
Trompe l´oeil
Rugs "Trompe l´oeil".
Design: Mario Gagliardi for Mario and Casa.
gift: 礼物
gift, color on paper, by zhu yuzhou, 2022.
Whiskey Bay Press Merc
Bookcover mockup
book cover design idea
Paper sculpture
Choreography of pictorial fetishes
Afterword by WM Hunt
These are photographs.
These exist uniquely as photographs. The artist, Manuel ...
McDEAD ..and lovin' it!
In Australia we call McDonalds - Maccas.
Maccas holds a special place in my heart... it's called cho...
This is an unused piece for the Australian comic ZOMBIE CITIES by Zorab del Rio.
I can understand to...
This is the inks for TOKYO ZOMBIES,
a piece I did for the Australian comic called ZOMBIE CITIES by ...
Comic Art, Illustration, Art, Line Art, Brush, Comics.
Ilustraciones para artículo: El Papel de la Familia (Hospital Sant Joan de Déu) 2023
Mixed Technique
Shop Them - DR NOKI T-shirts are here!
penccil is happy to announce its launching of penccil shop <t https://penccil.com/shop with fashion ...
Chair "Alpina" designed by Mario Gagliardi for Mario and Casa.
Rug set "Pianeti", designed by Mario Gagliardi for Mario and Casa. Handcrafted in 100% New Zealand M...
Dining Table "Flow" designed by Mario Gagliardi for Mario and Casa.
Gran Turismo
Lounge chair Gran Turismo, Design Mario Gagliardi for Mario and Casa.
curve wood
Title is affranchir la ligne, a public art commission for the lobby of a sports complex, plays with...
briller par son absence
burn wood
Surface N° 2
Arctic Paper presents Surface N° 2 – a second edition featuring a specially curated selection of ...
Coloured stones
The coloured stones is use Traditional Chinese Taihu Stone
Printed textures
3D printing has become a viable production method enabling the rapid production of small and medium-...
Candy Morandi
Giorgio Morandi's ceramic vessels have been the inspiration for this project. Morandi´s objects are...
SCARABOOK is the combination of Scarabottolo and the English word book (but perhaps we ought to say ...
Haribo Centennial
Haribo, the company behind the bear-shaped fruit-flavored jelly candy from Germany, is 100 years old...
The Demonstrations series.
A new series of paintings, oil on canvas, that deal with movement, the power and energy of the crowd...
A series of watercolour paintings.
Spring 2020 - Project 2 - MassArt
A school project in which we had to redesign a small triangle shape park near Harvard Square in Camb...
Architectural sculptures
Architectural sculptures by K. Kegelmann as part of "Future City" curated by Mario Gagliardi at the ...
Objects of Desire
»Surrealism and Design 1924 – Today«
28.09.2019 – 19.01.2020 at Vitra Design Museum
Chromaglass is a cocktail glass displaying its ingredients through colors. An inner insulating conta...
Francesco Vezzoli: Antique not Antique
Francesco Vezzoli at MUSEO MUSEION.
The modern artist is working with space and time, and expressing his feelings rather than illustrating.
— Jackson Pollock
— Jackson Pollock
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- No trackers. No cookies.
Just creativity.