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penccil: War and Propaganda 14/18
War and Propaganda 14/18
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2014 sees the centenary of the outbreak of the First World War. The Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg takes this opportunity to turn its attention to showing the methods of modern mass propaganda and how they work. For the first time all the belligerents systematically made use of the new technological possibilities of influencing public opinion by means of modern media. Against the background of the research into mass psychology taking place at the same time, strategies of communication and artistic expression were developed which had a decisive influence on the duration and intensity of the First World War at an international level. What were the conditions and the strategies which made people pledge themselves to serve such a disastrous cause? “War and Propaganda 14/18” follows various thematic lines which repeatedly also point towards the present day and which raise fundamental questions concerning the social significance of the mass media. “War and Propaganda 14/18” aims to promote a critical discussion about the media which questions the credibility of the images they present and shows their inherent power to channel opinion in the direction they want. “War and Propaganda 14/18” shows more than 400 exhibits, including posters and graphic work by artists, postcards with paintings and photographs, magazines and newspapers, sculptures and objects of everyday life such as children’s toys or patriotic emblems. Historical film and audio recordings as well as music from the period of the First World War are further important aspects of the exhibition. This exhibition was made possible by funding from the exhibition fund of the Hamburg Department of Culture, the Hubertus Wald Stiftung as well as the Justus Brinckmann Gesellschaft. Images courtesy: MKG Hamburg.
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James Montgomery Flagg, I Want You for U.S. Army, 1917/18, offset, 102,5 x 75,1 cm, print: NOS, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg
Unkown artist, "Go! It`s your duty lad. Join to-day", 1915, color lithography, 101 x 127,1 cm print: David Allen & Sons Ltd., Harrow/Middlesex, Library of Congress, Washington D.C.
A wooden tank toy for children
Ellsworth Young, Remember Belgium, 1918, color lithography, 76,2 x 50,8 cm, Print: United States Prtg. & Lith. Co., New York, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg
Julius Gipkens, Kanin-Felle abliefern, das Heer braucht sie, 1915/16, copper print, 70,8 x 47 cm, print: Hollerbaum & Schmidt, Berlin, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg
Unknown artist, Charlie Chaplin auf einer Kriegskundgebung in New York, 1918, Photography, Otto Bettmann Archive/FPF, Pennsylvania
Unkown artist, Boys Come over here you're wanted, 1915, color lithography, 101,5 x 127,5 cm, print: David Allen & Sons, London, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg
Titelblatt der Leipziger „Illustrierten Zeitung“, Ausgabe von 1915, typesetting and halftone, 42,1 x 30,4 cm, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg
Marble Game „Trench Football“, unknown british producer, um 1914, wood, glass, lithography, 23 x 18 x 2,5 cm, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg
Heinrich Hoffmann, Eine improvisierte Musikkapelle, 1915, Fotografie auf Gelatineentwicklungspapier, 12 x 16,9 cm, Münchner Stadtmuseum
Titelseite der britischen Illustrierten „The illustrated London News“, Ausgabe vom 23. Januar 1915, typesetting and halftone, 40,6 x 29,4 cm, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg
James Allen St. John, The Hun – his Mark. Blot it Out with Liberty Bonds, 1917, lithography, 103,2 x 66,7 cm, Print: Brett Litho. Co., New York, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg
Fritz Erler, Help us Win "Helft uns siegen!" Zeichnet die Kriegsanleihe, 1917, color lithography, type print, 57,7 x 44 cm, print: Hollerbaum & Schmidt, Berlin, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg
Marcel Falter, Pour le suprême Effort. Emprunt National, September 1918, color lithography, 120 x 77,4 cm, print: Chaix, Paris, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg
Postcard, Oh Stay Mine "O bleibe mein!", 1914-1917, Gelaufen am 23. Juli 1917, Rasterbuchdruck, 14 x 9 cm, Verlag: Albert Fink, Berlin, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg
Maurice Neumont, Le plan d’Hindenburg, aus: La Baionnette, Nr. 101, 7. Juni 1917, Halftone, color stroke cauterisation, letterpress, 31,2 x 23,8 cm, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg
Jupp Wiertz, "Women and Girls! Collect Your Hair" Frauen und Mädchen! Sammelt Frauenhaar!, 1918, offset, 72 x 47,5 cm, print: A. Wohlfeld, Magdeburg, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg
Savile Lumley, "Daddy, what did you do in the Great War?", 1915, color lithography, 75 x 49,5 cm, print: Johnson, Riddle & Co. Ltd., London, Victoria and Albert Museum, London
Lucian Bernhard, This is the way to Peace - That is also what the Enemy wants "Das ist der Weg zum Frieden – die Feinde wollen es so", September 1917, Plakat für die 7. Deutsche Kriegsanleihe, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg
Marble Game „Trench Football“, unknown british producer, um 1914, wood, glass, lithography, 23 x 18 x 2,5 cm, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg
Else Ury, Baby of the Family and the World War Illustration by Robert Sedlacek, um 1916/1917, 21 x 15,5 cm, print: Meidinger’s Jugendschriften-Verlag, Berlin, Altonaer Museum, Hamburg
Ernst Kutzer, We Play World War "Wir spielen Weltkrieg" - Ein zeitgemaßes Buch fur unsere Kleinen, um 1915, print: Kriegshilfsbüro d. k. k. Minist. d. Innern; Gesellsch. f. Graph. Industrie in Komm., Wien, Bibliothek für Zeitgeschichte in der Württembergischen Landesbibliothek
A Photo of A Child Soldier - "Do you also want to go to war?"
Geschicklichkeitsspiel „Die Böse 7“ W&S, Berlin, um 1914 carton, plasticineballs, lithography, 13,2 x 10,3 x 1,7 cm, Altonaer Museum, Hamburg
Soldier Doll in Uniform for Children, Margarete Steiff GmbH, Giengen an der Brenz, 1914, felt, plush, glass, iron, leather, wool, brass, 28 x 10 x 7 cm, Spielzeugmuseum Nürnberg
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